Kategorie: BI-Rheinpassagen

  • 8. Internationales NGO Forum – Paris


    BI-Rheinpassagen auf dem 8. internationalen NGO Forum in Paris.

    So 19.01.2020 – Enclos Rey – WHW Networkmeeting
    Mo 20.01.2020 – UNESCO Fontenoy Building – Presentation and Discussion of Cases

    BI-Rheinpassagen trägt den World Heritage Watch Report 2020 zum „Welterbe Oberes Mittelrheintal“ vor. Zum Report Seite 89 »

  • 7. Internationales NGO Forum – Baku Azerbaijan

    7. internationales NGO Forum Baku Azerbaijan mit WHW und Mechthild Rössler

    “EkoSfera” Sosial-Ecological Center, Baku, 29 June 2019


    9:00 Plenary Session

    Welcome by Stephan Doempke, World Heritage Watch
    Welcome by Firuza Sultan-zade, “EkoSfera” Social-Ecological Center

    9:15 Perspectives of Cooperation of Civil Society and Statutory Bodies of the World Heritage Convention

    Moderator: Stephan Doempke

    Mechtild Roessler, Director, UNESCO Division for Heritage and World Heritage Centre (tbc)
    Toshiyuki Kono, President, International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
    Peter Shadie, Director World Heritage Programme, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

    Suggested Items for Discussion:
    Time and Place of Future WHW Fora
    Potential contributions of WHW to IUCN and ICOMOS
    General Conferences Common Goals and Activities for the 50th Anniversary of the WH Convention

    10:45 Coffee break and Group Photo

    11:15 Plenary Session: Policy Papers – Moderator: Stephan Doempke

    Policy Paper on Climate Change
    Presenter: Adam Markham, Union of Concerned Scientists

    Policy Paper on Hydroelectric Dams
    Presenter: Eugene Simonov, Rivers without Boundaries Coalition

    Nature at Risk – How Politicization is Limiting the Effectiveness of the World Heritage Convention
    Presenter: Olivia de Willermin, Worldwide Fund for Nature

    13:00 Lunch

    14:00 Plenary Session

    World Heritage Watch Networking Meeting – Moderator: Stephan Doempke

    Suggested Items for Discussion
    Planning of work on Policy Issues
    Preparation for the 50th Anniversary of the Convention
    Working modalities of WHW

    15:15 Parallel Sessions

    1. Azerbaijan NGO Networking Meeting
      Moderators: Stephan Doempke (World Heritage Watch), Firuza Sultan-zade ( SEC “EkoSfera” )
    2. Indigenous Peoples Permanent Forum on World Heritage Meeting
      Moderator: Chrissy Grant (IPPFWH)
    3. Drafting Resolutions

    16:30 Coffee break

    17:00 Closing Plenary

    Adoption of Resolutions

    18:00 End of NGO Forum

    Evening Program

    After the end of the Forum, participants are invited by our host NGO Ekosfera to an Excursion to the Ateshga Fire Sanctuary and Qutab Dinner Party at the Castle (Gala)

    These locations are in the vicinity of the airport. We will all be taken there and return together by a chartered bus.

    The Ateshga sanctuary, according to tradition is the place of origin of Zoroastrism, the so-called „religion of fire“, one of the most important heritage sites of Azerbaijan.

    From there we will continue to the nearby Castle where Ekosfera has its second Center, and we will be treated to traditional Azerbaijani food, tea from the Samovar and a taste of Azeri wine.

  • 6. Internationales NGO Forum – Paris

    The 6th International NGO Forum on World Heritage at Risk – Paris, France, 4 – 5 February 2019

    On the Upper Middle Rhine Valley

    We, the Civil Society Organizations who have attended the 6th International NGO Forum on World Heritage at Risk organized by World Heritage Watch on 4-5 February in Paris, coming from 14 countries in 4 continents, as active and concerned citizens dealing with Natural and Cultural World Heritage properties at different places, would like to bring the following to the attention of the World Heritage Committee:

    Permanent Rhine Crossing

    We ask the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to urge the State Party of Germany, through the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, to undertake the following measures:

    1. To adopt a mobility concept for the Middle Rhine Valley, including an evaluation of the environmental impact of long-distance transport and traffic to the highways as well as additional traffic due to the termination of the ferry service;
    2. To review all previous expert opinions on road traffic (including the bridge design competition) based on applicable legal regulations and credible statistics;
    3. To formally acknowledge the ferries as an essential part of the Outstanding Universal Value of the cultural landscape of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley.
    4. To ensure that no major highway and bridge are constructed through the Middle Rhine Valley.

    Noise reduction

    We ask for limiting the speed of trains a an immediate measure. Noisy freight trains should not run at all during the night, and dangerous goods must be completely banned from the valley. In the long run, freight transport must be re-routed away from the narrow Rhine rift valley altogether by building a modern railway line for freight transport elsewhere.

    Upgrading of the railway tunnels

    We ask that the repair of the railway tunnel must not harm the OUV of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley World Heritage.


    We urgently request:

    1. to return the Loreley Stage to its original protected monument state;
    2. the dismantling of the summer bobsleigh track, playground, miniature golf course and picnic area;
    3. to ensure with immediate effect that no further ground be available for the construction of buildings on the Loreley Plateau;
    4. that any further intervention be made only with full respect of nature conservation.

    Paris, 5 February 2019